Join Now!
Membership is open to any person who is employed by the Poudre R-1 School District who holds a valid Colorado Teaching Certificate. PEA members automatically join the Colorado Education Association and the National Education Association. PEA, together with CEA and NEA, has a strong voice and the ability to affect public education policy. Our local, state, and national associations work to secure funds for K-12 education, elect pro public education candidates, protect teachers’ rights and benefits, and ensure quality public education for all children. Membership benefits include: collective bargaining for salaries, benefits, and working conditions, enforcement of Employee Agreement rights, legislative action and support for public education, professional development, leadership training, etc.

Who can join?
K-12 Teachers and Special Service Providers are licensed staff who are actively working in our public school districts or BOCES to ensure our students learn the skills and content they need to be successful. This includes those with appropriate licenses such as classroom teachers, counselors, special educators, school psychologists, social workers, school nurses, vocational teachers and other professionals.