Who We Are
Through advocacy, bargaining, and collective action, members of PEA are strengthening our schools, the teaching profession, and our community. PEA advocates for support for individual teachers throughout their careers, and collaborating with key stakeholders and policymakers to build a community where everyone is accountable for quality public schools. PEA also works with education administrators to create an education system where teachers are able to provide a 21st-century education, so that our students can compete in the global economy.

Building Representation
With 1300 members spread across 53 sites, Association Representatives (ARs) serve as organizers, communicators, mediators, and recruiters. ARs are key building leaders who excel at problem solving and mentoring. PEA ARs are both organization and building experts who are the links between PEA and members.
PEA Committees are a great way for members to get involved with the organization, and build relationships with colleagues and fellow members. Committees provide both organizing and professional development opportunities for members.
- Equity Council
- Organization + Mobilization
- Access Committee
- Heat Committee